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  • SKU: 18-3232
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Large Howling Coyote Huichol Beaded Sculpture

    Exceptionally large beaded coyote sculpture by top Huichol artist Alfredo De La Cruz. The Huichol are a native people of Mexico who ingabit the Sierra Madre range and continue the traditions of their ancient ancestors who date back as far as 15,000 years. This beautiful piece was made using thousands of beads placed one-by-one onto the coyote body which is made of resin. The adhesive used is one that is made by the Huichol using natural ingredients such as bees wax and pine resin. The complex designs incorporated into the art that the Huichol, also known as Wixarika, are deeply symbolic and are petitions to the gods. Maize (corn), peyote and deer are usually present as well as candles, arrows, serpents, scorpions and the gods' eyes that point to the four cardinal directions.

    Origin: Nayarit, Mexico

    Height/Length/Width: 25" x 14" x 9"

    Signed by the artist